Common Diets and Habits that Cause Weight Gain

Are you tired of cutting down your calories, engaging in regular exercises, and still not losing your belly or body fat?  Your weight gain can be due to the excess deposition of fat in the body. Would you like to lose your fat naturally with fasting? This post will discuss the various causes of weight gain and how fasting can reduce fat anywhere in the body.


  • Unhealthy diets– Foods containing high amounts of unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates. Examples are flavored yogurt, alcohol, wine, fruit juice, energy drinks, sodas, cereal, pasta, bread, snacks, etc.
  • Bad eating habits– Due to work and some other responsibilities, most workers either skip breakfast or eat late at night. For instance, a few white-collar job workers who live far from their office are compelled to eat junk foods because they leave home very early and return home late. If you know somebody that keeps this lifestyle, you will agree with me that they are probably overweight or have belly fat. Several kinds of research have shown that fast foods are calorie-dense and eating after 6 pm increases fat deposition in tissues.
  • Eating inorganically prepared foods: Inorganic foods are foods grown by spraying them with growth hormones and fertilizers. These chemicals affect the hormonal systems because they are toxic to glands (hormone-producing organs in the body). These chemicals eventually stimulate fat-storing hormones in the body.
  • Poor sleep– Scientists recommend 6-7 hours of sleep because it reduces cortisol level. Elevated cortisol stimulates fat production leading to fatty tissues.
  • Skipping meals especially breakfast– Skipping meals causes low blood sugar which stimulates the endocrine system to secrete cortisol. This initiates blood sugar breakdown from the liver and unused blood glucose is converted into fat.


Sugars can either be naturally occurring in some foods or modified as artificial sweeteners added to processed foods. High fructose corn sugar is an artificial sugar used as a food sweetener. Fructose was proven by scientists to be responsible for the high prevalence of obesity among American citizens in early 2000. This was because of the wide use of fructose corn syrup as a food additive to processed foods. Therefore, you must avoid foods and drinks with either sucrose or fructose as an additive ingredient.  


Fat loss is therapeutic against medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases. Excess fat deposits in the blood vessels causing atherosclerosis which means thickening of blood vessels. These fats block the spaces of these thickened blood vessels thereby reducing blood supply to a target organ. This is the major mechanism of how stroke and coronary arterial diseases like myocardial infarction (heart attack) develops. You can reduce your risk of developing cardiac diseases by losing weight especially fats deposited in your trunk.


Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective natural ways of burning fat. Intermittent fasting is a habit of fasting regularly for short periods. It is a pattern of eating that entails reducing your eating frequency. It does not have to do with starving yourself or eating  small frequent meals. The major goal of intermittent fasting is to switch the body’s fuel source from a glucose burning to fat burning. Beginners can commence intermittent fasting by starting with a 3 square meal and then gradually reduce the meal frequency as tolerated your body. You eat only when you feel hungry.


  Intermittent fasting triggers fat burning by reducing insulin levels and stimulating the body to burn body fat. Fat burning provides alternative fuel required to drive basal cellular metabolism in the body. Also, reduced meal lowers the blood glucose level and stops the secretion of insulin-the the major fat-storing hormone.

If this cycle continues, the body will continuously burn fat because of a consistently reduced insulin level. This metabolic shift is gradual so drastic improvements may not be seen until 2-3 weeks of adopting this process. Thus, the longer the fasting interval, the higher the degree of fat burning leading to sustained fat loss.

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